Thursday, February 18, 2010

How is the baggage in the heart center cleared?

When I am feeling pain, sadness, etc is it best to just allow myself to FEEL it instead of trying to alleviate it? The same thing with fear, to overcome it best to just feel it and go forward--that is, to not be tempted to go around it or find relief...just buckle up and deal with it?How is the baggage in the heart center cleared?
Awareness is vital so it is not stuffed away as we can do and never deal with it.

All pain comes from guilt; it's self-inflicted, not caused by others.

Ask for forgiveness, to know what forgiveness really is, and let its solution come.How is the baggage in the heart center cleared?
It is better to reflect emotional baggage than retain it because it never clears. It compacts and it just keeps building and building till you have a stroke or heart attack and die, or at least, become an invalid of your own emotions. It takes a lifetime of emotional baggage to kill you but eventually it will.

To avoid emotional baggage, don't be quick to fall in love, don't assume friendships when there are none, and don't excpect others to feel the same way as you. Also, trust everyone because if you trust no one, or very few people, then it becomes part of your luggage.

Also, offer your love but expect nothing in return. Share yourself with others but expect no sympathy or acceptance. Expectations are also just more luggage in an overpacked bag.

Allow yourself time to explore feelings and emotions but don't take them seriously for too long because these too, will become baggage that you can do without.

Always be nice and comforting, show care and understanding. A free spirit is some one who can fly without the burdens of others, without the baggage of emotions and ill-feelings towards others.
Yes, it is best to allow yourself to feel the pain, but do not wallow in it. Engaging with the pain you speak of is an active process of exploration. It can be a gut wrenching experience and is absolutely required to cleanse the heart. Pain indicates difficulty in acceptance of ';what is';, which is related to something that has already happened. An active exploration into this pain is an action that will result in acceptance. Accepting ';what is'; because you cannot change the past is a powerful experience.

Fear is directly related to something that has not happened. In lessor forms, it will display as anxiety and in greater forms, it will display as terror. Fear is very dangerous because it can cause you to lose your mind. One of the ways this happens is by disassociating with the thoughts, feelings, or situation that brings on the fear. This creates a potential hazard of losing a sense of time related to the objective passage of time. Like the feeling of 5min passing when actually it is 4 hours later. If I could offer one emphatic piece of advice, it would be to not fear.

Since fear is related to the future, you can both acknowledge that the future has not happened yet and no matter how deterministic your actions, the outcome is probabilistic. Know that you, through the free will to choose in the present, can have an impact on the future; while creating the best possible experience. You cannot dictate what will unfold, only the quality of your experience.

So, learning acceptance of the past through the cleansing action of exploration of your pain, will lead you to move forward in life without fear; knowing that you can and will accept ';what is';.
You answered your own question. Just buckle up and deal with it. And if you have to feel the pain in the process, that's part of dealing with it. But once it's over, it's over. Dwelling on it gets you nowhere.

It happened. It's over. Take whatever you learned from it and kick the rest to the curb.
You face your fears, you never back down from them. Like a child in the night that fears the boogy man in the dark, you face it, you deal with it and let it go, kick the baggage to the curb like you would the garbage. A man's worst fears is facing himself and when he can do that he has learned the art of mind over matter.
From what I understand the best way to deal with it is to acknowledge it without giving it any thought energy and then just let it go to God to take care of it. When we dwell on negative thoughts they become more real, because they are ego based. The ego can be very sneaky in trying to get it's way when threatened.
Not really. The secret of the thing, the trick, is to just watch it. Rather than indulge in feeling, observe the feeling. Rather than decide if the fear is a motivator or inhibitor, just watch the fear. By observing, just watching it, you have put a little distance between your thoughts/ feelings and the real you, which is the part doing the watching.

On this site is a free exercise to help you with this.
It depends on the source of the heartache ! For instance a few of them are easily cured with a reliable antaacid !

Deep wounds sometimes require a thorough cleaning to promote healing---NOTE--in some instances pain will linger and although it may fade it will never dissappear entirely. For this variety (should you be fortunate enough to readily recognize it) the solace is that it will become bearable if you give it TIME ! Clearly leading this list is the painful loss (death) of a loved one. In such circumstances the hollowness of ';now in better place'; may even invoke rage on the part of the greiving party!

Broken hearted endings to love affairs are a common ailment. For the most part a replacement ';Love'; can fill in some of the cracks of such fissures and given enough effort, compatability,and luck, may even supercede any previous affections ! There will usually be an eagerness of anticipation that accompanies such pursuits and if not enough caution is exercised may lead to greater dismay!

Just remember that this is emotion

Logic is VERY OFTEN ignored any time the player is reading the emotion track of the disc ! No one can survive/maintain with logic alone, nor is it feasable to run on pure emotion-----THE ONE AFFECTS THE OTHER. Separating the two is wisdom, sometimes referred to as common sense.

In Tonglen it is taught that we feel it, all of it...then we know that others are going through the same thing - it brings us together in our humanity. It is also taught that if we experience the pain without the verbal tirade in our heads ;-) and stay with it - just continue to feel it - and it can feel awful, even frightening, bu stay with it without beating ourselves up, then we can know our connectedness with others. Perhaps that is how we develop compassion is through experience within our own pain.

The lovely process is here:

Pema Chodron has a wonderful CD set that takes one through Tonglen.

(((kasey)))) I have been dealing with the exact same obstacles apparently. Finding that humility to let the universe guide my actions and reactions and to not have fear doing just that.

I am sorry I don't have a good answer for you because this part of my journey isn't complete yet. There are two things that still give me great cause for alarm in this life that I haven't found a way to come to terms with ...yet. I do however, have the faith I need that the universe will guide me to those answers sometime soon.

The only thing I know is you need to face the demons that scare you in this life head on. They are nothing more than shadows.

I wish you the best of luck in your own journey and many blessings!
dear sister...

Remembrance of God removes all difficulties. [La illaha ill Allahu]

here is a story about Mushkil Gusha that i used to tell my daughter all the time when she was very young... and that i love very much...鈥?/a>

this is a rather long article on Dhikr... but i find it helpful so i will share it with you if you are interested.

God bless you sister... and salams... xx

Presently I feel like I am being burned alive and being required to be still and observe from some other sphere of existence. There is a story of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Library that depicts him sitting in a tree laughing while his body is hanging on the cross. The last enemy is death... maybe a disattached observation is the key, kasey. Walk the plank. We lose our joy when we become encumbered with the body.
I have tried hitting pain head on and also tried avoidance. I found the later certainly doesn't work,but I am not so sure that the former works either. The best I can offer is that you must go through the Dark Night of the Soul in order to emerge in the light. It is the way of Jesus and the Saints.
Everyone has their breaking point.Everyone!

When I hit mine I went straight to Jesus

and that is the only reason I am still here.

Some people may go to the light.

Some go to the darkness.

But the only one that will help for all eternity is Jesus.
When the pain becomes unbearable, I simply dump in the hands of the Lord and forget about it. It works!...... like a magical analgesic, for the issue, just gets sorted out. This is my experience. Why don't you try it out....No losses..... only gains.
Hi there Kasey!

By using the escalator of Daily Scriptural reading!

Reading of the entire bible 1 single chapter per week and study the meaning there of.

The escalator only ends with enlightenment!

Peace and Tranquility to you Dear Kasey!
ello kasey, xx

i find peace in prayer

%26amp; remembrance:

God eases and alleviates our

struggles %26amp; aids us immeasurably.

( Thank you for your post )

*Love-Joy-n-Blessings to ye*
By stopping the interference of thoughts/mind in heart and by sinking deeper into heart to open the springs of joy and love bottled there.
I believe forgiveness plays a key role in healing as well

True, sometimes we just sit with it, watch it and maybe see what set it in motion..
All I can say is that I doubt you have ever been in serious pain for very long.

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