We must be looking at two very different Barack Obamas.
The one I see hangs out with terrorists like Ayers, and radical racists like Rev. Wright, married a woman who hates America, and who hadn't been proud of it until her husband was winning in the polls. The one I see wants to punish the successful for their achievements, and reward lethargy and failure by subsidizing it.
Are you sure you're talking about Barack Obama? Is it possible you might be thinking about John McCain?Obama is a bright man with a good heart and clear intentions. How long have we waited for a Prez like that?
Big government, big spending, pandering to special interest groups and corporations, penalizing people for success and rewarding people for irresponsible behavior, no thanks, no thanks to Juan McCain too.
You’re basing your candidate off of “feel good” arbitrary subjective things, please look at the issues, read the constitution, study economics.
Vote 3rd party people and take your Republic back, or don’t complain about what you get.
Obama is a bright man with a good heart and clear intentions. How long have we waited for a Prez like that?
';I didn't leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me.';
';Not only has this party belittled working people in this campaign from Joe the Plumber to the bitter comments, it has also been part of tearing down two female candidates.';
-Wendy Button, Obama speech writer endorsing McCain
you are kidding me right?! a man who can let just born premature babies be left out to die has a good heart?! do your research!
not to mention how the hell he is even able to run since he isnt even a US citizen. he is a citizen of Indonesia.
dont even get me started!!
The last 8 years have been pure hell. I think Clinton had the promise but failed to deliver. Bush 1, in retrospect, wasn't so bad, so I hear, and Reagan was probably ok. Probably the last really inspiring president was Kennedy.
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I've been waiting for a LONG time. Although Clinton was pretty good.
And I heard that JFK was a good Prez, too. In a strange way, I now understand why those people were crying when Kennedy was assassinated.
You call intentionally planning to bankrupting energy/coal companies in the name of helping the environment a good intention?
Reagan was a good president. give the republicans some credit.
Since Carter, Clinton was a great President but couldn't keep it in his pants.
His intentions couldn't be any more vague. s far as his heart is concerned well there is no way to know that.
You all are the party of pretend.
At least eight years.
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